How Long Is

Coast Guard Boot Camp?

How Long


Coast Guard

Boot Camp?

Sometimes Also Asked As

How Long Is Basic Training For The Coast Guard?

Sometimes Also

Asked As

How Long


Basic Training

For The

Coast Guard?

08 Weeks For USCG Basic Training

When potential new recruits begin researching the Coast Guard, one question they have is "how long is Coast Guard Boot Camp?".

If you plan on attending the standard Coast Guard Basic Training for enlisted recruits and you're wondering the Coast Guard Boot Camp length, the answer is that it's 8 weeks. The heading is written as zero eight weeks, because in the military, which includes the Coast Guard, you write single digit numbers prefaced with a zero. All enlisted Coast Guard men and women pass through here before joining the fleet, and it is located in Cape May, New Jersey.

03 Weeks For USCG DEPOT

If you are looking to join the Coast Guard Direct Entry Petty Officer Training Program, or D.E.P.O.T., then you will go through an abbreviated training that lasts about 3 weeks. You'll learn almost all of the same material, but at a much faster pace. It is also located in Cape May, New Jersey and DEPOT recruits train right alongside their 8-week counterparts, but in their own, separate DEPOT company.

17 Weeks For USCG Officer Candidate School

For those who's ambitions are to get into the officer ranks, you will attend Officer Candidate School (OCS), which lasts 17 weeks. This is longer than any other OCS program out of the other branches of the military. OCS is run twice a year, is extremely competitive to get into, and happens at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.

Coast Guard Basic Training Orange Banner Image

Please note that although I've done my best to provide the most accurate answer possible to this question, I cannot fully guarantee its accuracy because at any given moment, some aspect of Coast Guard Boot Camp or the Coast Guard in general could change. For this reason, please remember that the most up-to-date, accurate information will come from a Coast Guard recruiter and / or other official USCG personnel. Always listen to what they have to say over what you find on any website, including this one.

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Survive Coast Guard Boot Camp (C) 2013 - 2024

Survive Coast Guard Boot Camp (C) 2013 - 2022