Coast Guard Basic Training

Preparation 101

What makes successful Coast Guard recruits able to dominate Coast Guard Basic Training?

How are they different from the recruits who are constantly mentally and physically punished by their Company Commanders?

Are they more intelligent, more athletic, or more talented?

NO, it’s none of the above.

Successful recruits have discovered what all successful people know. In order to truly excel at something you have to prepare yourself for it. In other words, successful recruits are simply better prepared. Preparation is the key to success in life. Training for Coast Guard Basic Training is no different.

The link between proper preparation and the type of Coast Guard Basic Training experience you will have is very strong. The entire 8 weeks you will spend at the Cape May Training Center will be made infinitely easier because of the decisions you make now.

Let someone who recently walked through the minefield tell you exactly where the mines are located and how to get around them. Read the free lessons on this site to learn more about preparing for Coast Guard Basic Training. The sooner you start preparing the better.



I want to focus on MENTALLY preparing for Coast Guard Basic Training.

Awesome! Start by reading the lessons below.

Mental Preparation

Mental Preparation Progress30%

Finished with the above? 

Great. You’re off to a good start.

If you want to take your knowledge to the next level then I highly recommend diving into the

Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide: 4th Edition.

An Overview

This 110 page e-book is your ticket to more sleep, less physical and mental punishment and overall success in Coast Guard Basic Training. It has all the secrets they don’t want you to know before you get to Cape May. Don’t go into this blindly. Believe me when I tell you – it’s worth knowing this stuff before you go. The extra sleep especially is worth it.

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

I remember one night when I was so sleep deprived and exhausted that I literally started shivering and shaking in bed after lights out. Consider that I was also in above average physical condition so I was able to handle the “beatings”. However, lots of exercise combined with very little sleep will still take its toll on you. If you apply the information in this book though, you can seriously reduce the amount of punishment that will be handed out by your Company Commanders and get A LOT MORE SLEEP.

Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide Book Cover
Survive Coast Guard Boot Camp | Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide | Table Of Contents Page
What's In The Book

The Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide is divided up into 20 Chapters (click the image to see them up close). Most chapters also have a Review Section and a Practice Now Section that tells you how to apply the information into your overall preparation plan. It is currently in its 5th Edition and is periodically updated to reflect the latest and greatest way of doing things at Cape May.

Your Coast Guard Basic Training experience is in your hands. It can either be painful, miserable and end with you possibly not even graduating, or it can be a challenging, rewarding life experience. The choice is yours.


I want to focus on PHYSICALLY preparing for Coast Guard Basic Training

Perfect. I’m all for physical fitness. Let’s get you started by going over the lessons below.

Physical Preparation

What To Do Next

When you are finished reading and absorbing the information above, I strongly suggest you begin one of the customized 8 week fitness success programs I created. I used to sell these as a separate item for $19.97, but what started happening is that I had far too many recruits only buying this without getting the Survival Guide. This was not beneficial because if I had to absolutely pick between the two, the Survival Guide is more important. I say that because if you really wanted to, you could find other resources to get physically fit.

Take Advantage Of The Bundle

The Fitness Success Programs are obviously catered with Coast Guard Basic Training in mind, but you could still train without them and technically get in good shape. You can’t say that for the Survival Guide though. The information that’s in there is so valuable to your preparation and you can’t get it anywhere else. This is why I decided to try a temporary experiment of bundling the Fitness Success Programs with the Survival Guide. For a limited time, every Coast Guard recruit who secures a copy of the Survival Guide will also get a Fitness Success Program for their fitness level. I strongly believe that everyone should show up ready to crush their physical fitness test and now I’m giving you the tools to do it.

Don't Be That Dude / Dudette

Let me add that if you are reading this, I hope for your sake that you are NOT one of those people who thinks they are going to “get in shape at boot camp”. I’m going to say this very bluntly – you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY CANNOT show up to Coast Guard Basic Training thinking that you will get in shape there. I have news for you, the people with that attitude don’t get in shape. What they do get, is very often an injury. Injuries aren’t only painful, but they also usually lead to reversions (i.e. – you will be in boot camp longer).

Real Boot Camp Isn't Like Taking A Boot Camp Class At The Gym

If your body isn’t accustomed to taking the kind of pounding you will get at Cape May, and you combine that with sleep deprivation, stress, etc, then you can pretty much expect to get injured.

Coast Guard Boot Camp Fitness Success Program Cover 3.0 Small

Between the PT / IT, the obstacle course, the pugil sticks, the swimming and running, your body will be challenged. The mental part of boot camp is even more difficult than the physical part so do yourself a favor and make the physical part easy.

You can get FREE access to lots of useful information on what you need to do to get physically prepared for Coast Guard Basic Training by reading the physical preparation lessons above.

I give you the inside scoop on everything from swimming to specific advice on how to avoid beginner mistakes.

Don’t show up with excuses. Show up prepared. Snag yourself a FREE (for now) customized 8-week fitness success program. Whether you are overweight or skinny, strong or weak, these plans are specifically designed to get you physically ready for the challenges of Coast Guard Basic Training. They were all written by a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and recent returnee from Coast Guard Boot Camp (me).

I created 5 fitness types / profiles and wrote out specific programs for each one of them. It’s like having your own personal trainer (who’s been through the trenches of Cape May) walking you through what to do. The only way it could get any better is if I was to actually train you in person.



USCG Basic Training

Prep At Your Fingertips

Mental Preparation

I want to focus on MENTALLY preparing for Coast Guard Basic Training.


Click here to get started.

Physical Preparation

I want to focus on PHYSICALLY preparing for Coast Guard Basic Training


Click here for all the gains.

Mental Preparation

Mental Preparation Progress30%

Finished with the above? 

Great. You’re off to a good start.

If you want to take your knowledge to the next level then I highly recommend diving into the Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide: 4th Edition.

Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide Book Cover
An Overview

This 110 page e-book is your ticket to more sleep, less physical and mental punishment and overall success in Coast Guard Basic Training. It has all the secrets they don’t want you to know before you get to Cape May. Don’t go into this blindly. Believe me when I tell you – it’s worth knowing this stuff before you go. The extra sleep especially is worth it.

The Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

I remember one night when I was so sleep deprived and exhausted that I literally started shivering and shaking in bed after lights out. Consider that I was also in above average physical condition so I was able to handle the “beatings”. However, lots of exercise combined with very little sleep will still take its toll on you. If you apply the information in this book though, you can seriously reduce the amount of punishment that will be handed out by your Company Commanders and get A LOT MORE SLEEP.

What's In The Book

The Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide is divided up into 20 Chapters (click the image to see them up close). Most chapters also have a Review Section and a Practice Now Section that tells you how to apply the information into your overall preparation plan. It is currently in its 5th Edition and is periodically updated to reflect the latest and greatest way of doing things at Cape May.

Your Coast Guard Basic Training experience is in your hands. It can either be painful, miserable and end with you possibly not even graduating, or it can be a challenging, rewarding life experience. The choice is yours.

Coast Guard Boot Camp Survival Guide Table of Contents

Physical Preparation

What To Do Next

When you are finished reading and absorbing the information above, I strongly suggest you begin one of the customized 8 week fitness success programs I created. I used to sell these as a separate item for $19.97, but what started happening is that I had far too many recruits only buying this without getting the Survival Guide. This was not beneficial because if I had to absolutely pick between the two, the Survival Guide is more important. I say that because if you really wanted to, you could find other resources to get physically fit.

Take Advantage Of The Bundle
Take Advantage
Of The Bundle

The Fitness Success Programs are obviously catered with Coast Guard Basic Training in mind, but you could still train without them and technically get in good shape. You can’t say that for the Survival Guide though. The information that’s in there is so valuable to your preparation and you can’t get it anywhere else. This is why I decided to try a temporary experiment of bundling the Fitness Success Programs with the Survival Guide. For a limited time, every Coast Guard recruit who secures a copy of the Survival Guide will also get a Fitness Success Program for their fitness level. I so strongly believe that everyone should show up ready to crush their physical fitness test and now I’m giving you the tools to do it.

Coast Guard Boot Camp Fitness Success Program Cover 3.0 Small
Don't Be That Dude / Dudette
Don't Be That
Dude / Dudette

Let me add that if you are reading this, I hope for your sake that you are NOT one of those people who thinks they are going to “get in shape at boot camp”. I’m going to say this very bluntly – you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY CANNOT show up to Coast Guard Basic Training thinking that you will get in shape there. I have news for you, the people with that attitude don’t get in shape. What they do get, is very often an injury. Injuries aren’t only painful, but they also usually lead to reversions (i.e. – you will be in boot camp longer).

Real Boot Camp Isn't Like
Taking A Boot Camp Class At The Gym
Real Boot Camp
Isn't Like Taking
A Boot Camp Class
At The Gym

If your body isn’t accustomed to taking the kind of pounding you will get at Cape May, and you combine that with sleep deprivation, stress, etc, then you can pretty much expect to get injured. Between the PT / IT, the obstacle course, the pugil sticks, the swimming and running, your body will be challenged. The mental part of boot camp is even more difficult than the physical part so do yourself a favor and make the physical part easy.

You can get FREE access to lots of useful information on what you need to do to get physically prepared for Coast Guard Basic Training by reading the physical preparation lessons above.

I give you the inside scoop on everything from swimming to specific advice on how to avoid beginner mistakes.

Don’t show up with excuses. Show up prepared. Snag yourself a FREE (for now) customized 8-week fitness success program. Whether you are overweight or skinny, strong or weak, these plans are specifically designed to get you physically ready for the challenges of Coast Guard Basic Training. They were all written by a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and recent returnee from Coast Guard Boot Camp (me).

I created 5 fitness types / profiles and wrote out specific programs for each one of them. It’s like having your own personal trainer (who’s been through the trenches of Cape May) walking you through what to do. The only way it could get any better is if I was to actually train you in person. 

Learn More

Show Up With The Knowledge

Of A Week 08 Recruit

Show Up

With The Knowledge

Of A Week 08 Recruit

Survive Coast Guard Boot Camp (C) 2013 - 2024

Survive Coast Guard Boot Camp (C) 2013 - 2022